TEAEVER – New Bubble Tea Joint Near Harbour Centre

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TEAEVER is a new bubble tea shop that has opened up in the former Odyssey Bar and Nightclub. The space has been renovated and they occupy the front part of the building.

There is seating for a few people along a counter window, but this is mostly a grab and go type of place.

As their name might indicate, they concentrate on having the best tea drinks. But they also offer various fruit slushes, espresso based drinks and ice cream.

I stopped by with Trudy to try out a few of their signature drinks.

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4 Berry Slush Macchiato ($6.80)

This was a berry explosion in my mouth. There was so much berry flavour and it blended well with the milky foam cap. It was a really rich and smooth drink and drank more like a smoothie. It would be a good post workout drink.

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Grapefruit Juice Jasmine Tea ($6.00)

The grapefruit taste is prominent without overwhelming the delicate notes of Jasmine tea. You can adjust sugar levels and I went with 30% sweetness and it was just right.

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TEAEVER Fruit Tea ($6.50)

This drink is what YiFang wishes their fruit tea tasted like. There was a lot of different fruits in this drink – apple, oranges, passionfruit etc – but the tea flavour still shone through. It was a very refreshing drink and is perfect for summer.

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Peach Oolong Tea Macchiato ($5.70)

This was another favourite of mine. The tea flavour was very clear and not too sweet. The foam top didn’t overwhelm the drink, and this would be a nice drink to have after work when you’re headed home.

I was very impressed by all the drinks that I tried. The tea quality and flavour was evident in every drink, and each drink was crafted expertly and with care. I can’t wait to be back to try their Brown Sugar Milk Tea Latte!

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